Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday Six - Wishes and Memories

Because my new hobby is stealing from Popping Bubbles:

1. Name the last movie you watched on DVD. 

The Empire Strikes Back, just today in fact.

2. If you could spend one day as:
A) a member of the opposite sex
B) a member of a different race
C) a member of the opposite sex AND different race
D) an animal
…which would you pick and why?

Animal all the way. Some big scary fish in the ocean, because the ocean fascinates and terrifies me.

3. If you won the lottery and received $200 million dollars in one lump sum, who would get the first check you wrote?

I should say mortgage company, but we all know it would be

4. If you could change careers, what job have you secretly been wondering about?

Writer. Shock.

5. Describe your earliest memory.

Stepping on a bee while helping wash the bitchin Camaro we had when I was 2-3ish.

6. What deceased relative would you most like to sit down to dinner with and what would you most want to ask them?

My mom. What did he do to you?

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Anonymous said...

ROFL! Feel free to steal from me anytime. I "borrowed" this one from Patrick's Place!

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