Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Decluttering the interwebs

Ok, the million beta site frenzy has come and gone, and I think I've figured out which ones I still want to use. When I got the new laptop for Christmas, I did not import anything from the old desktop, but set everything up fresh. Although, since my beloved Flock browser is going to switch to Chrome from Firefox, things could always change. I just got it all figured out and set up right! But right now, this is what works for me.

What makes me stick with a site? Any, or preferably all, of the following:

  • It has a mobile site, application or at least a way to post from email or text. If I can't post to it or read it from my crackberry, I don't want to hear about it.
  • Fun people who interact, or at least post things that amuse me. I'm not here to be bored.
  • Efficient gathering of the various types of digital information I tend to vomit upon the matrix daily.

Facebook - Because I can consolidate almost all of it right here. Link to my profile in the sidebar. If you friend request, please identify who/why you are.

flickr - I may not be the best photographer, and definitely not a serious one, but I certainly enjoy it. Great tools for intergrating with Facebook.

YouTube - because I got a Flip Mino HD and I have to use it!

Plurk - Microblog. Fun. Less fail than the whale. Usually.

Twitter - Microblog. Fun, business. Many of my Tweeps won't go to Plurk, so I can't leave.

Myspace - Still have a profile there for my friends who don't/won't Facebook. - for updating all of the above. Couldn't live without it.

Shitty Blogs Club - Better than it sounds. Most of the blogs in SBC are among the most entertainig I read...when we the shitty bloggers can be bothered to blog, anyway.

Ravelry - for the knitting

socialmedian - Imports shared Google Reader items, and feeds into the tumblr.

Tumblr - Gathers up various feeds of stuff I bookmark, post, like, whatever. The tumblr feed is then put into the blog sidebar (see it down there?) and a tab on Facebook.

Goodreads - Keeping track of books I read. Because I have no memory. Also integrated with blog sidebar and Facebook.

Heavy as Hell - All things metal! The site owners are made of awesome.

Bucket of Hate - All things hatey! Another awesome network creator.

Still seems like a lot. But it is set up so that one click on my toolbar will send whatever I want to the right service, which will feed it to another place, and so on, and so on...
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday Six - Wishes and Memories

Because my new hobby is stealing from Popping Bubbles:

1. Name the last movie you watched on DVD. 

The Empire Strikes Back, just today in fact.

2. If you could spend one day as:
A) a member of the opposite sex
B) a member of a different race
C) a member of the opposite sex AND different race
D) an animal
…which would you pick and why?

Animal all the way. Some big scary fish in the ocean, because the ocean fascinates and terrifies me.

3. If you won the lottery and received $200 million dollars in one lump sum, who would get the first check you wrote?

I should say mortgage company, but we all know it would be

4. If you could change careers, what job have you secretly been wondering about?

Writer. Shock.

5. Describe your earliest memory.

Stepping on a bee while helping wash the bitchin Camaro we had when I was 2-3ish.

6. What deceased relative would you most like to sit down to dinner with and what would you most want to ask them?

My mom. What did he do to you?

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Procrastination Tool Meme

Sunday Stealing: The Procrastination Tool Meme

Like I need another meme or another form of procrastination. Ah well. My only other goals today are to get all the wires untangled before the live show tonight.

So on with the questions and stuff:

1. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?  Pietro's

2. What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it? Rice and beans.

3. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Besides children? No...

4. What is the last heavy item you lifted? 42" flat panel tv.

5. Have you ever been knocked unconscious? A few times. Shocking, I know.

6. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? Yes.

7. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Nicole Randome

8. What’s your goal for the year? Not to stab any heads. Or at least not to get caught.

9. Last person you hugged? My 7 year old.

10. First place you went this morning? Outside to let the dog pee.

11. Do you always answer your phone? Hell no.

12. It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it? Will Radik. He keeps weird hours.

13. If you could change your eye color what would it be? Brown.

14. What’s on your wish list for your birthday? My sister coming to visit.

15. Does the future make you more nervous or excited? Excited.

16. Do you have any saved texts? No.

17. Ever been in a car wreck? Yes.

18. Do you have an accent? Don't think so. Kinda. Maybe.

19. What was the last song to make you cry? Johnny Cash, Hurt.

20. What did you do last night? Slept. A lot.

21. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Many times.

22. Current hate right now? That octuplet freak.

23. Met someone who changed your life? Yes.

24. How did you bring in the New Year? Sleeping.

25. What song represents you? Comfortably Numb.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

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