Browsing through my feeds this afternoon, I found a meme at Popping Bubbles and immediately stole it. Because I'm unoriginal like that.
1. When you write a note to a friend, do you tend to write in cursive or manuscript? Manuscript that ends up connected and illegible. If I actually want them to be able to read it? Manuscript.
2. Think back to grade school when you learned how to write: which manuscript letter gave you the most trouble? I can't remember any of that. Learning cursive from that crazy art teacher guy sucked, though.
3. Did you find cursive easier than manuscript? I really just mix them up.
5. Take the quiz: What Keyboard Key Are You?
You Are "enter" |
Some people might try to say you're impulsive and rash. You like to consider yourself decisive and committed instead. You don't have a lot of trouble making very final decisions. You trust your instincts, and you don't waver. You just go for it! |
6. As a general rule, how often do you use the key mentioned in the answer to the previous question? All the time. It is one of the more awesome keys, for sure.